Tea Ceremony Experience

Tea ceremony networking reception|CHAREN Tokyo Tranquilitea|Tea ceremony

Following the event in autumn 2023, we were once again invited by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ryuta Mizuuchi and his wife to hold a tea ceremony presentation and experience session using a Misonodana tea set at the Japanese Ambassador’s residence in Vienna.

At the beginning, Ambassador Mizuuchi introduced the Austrian Rosdorf Castle Ko-Imari Restoration Project and linked it to his aspirations for the 2025 Osaka Expo. We conveyed that Japan’s proud traditional culture is peace-oriented and that its practice is a “way” (do), which resonated deeply with the guests.

For more details, please see the article on the website of the Japanese Embassy in Austria. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the embassy staff who carefully cooperated with us from the planning stage, the Japanese community residing in Vienna, and Ambassador Mizuuchi and his wife.




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