Tea Ceremony Experience

Tea ceremony workshop|CHAREN Tokyo Tranquilitea|Tea ceremony

Vienna WKO Exporttag2024 & Deep Dive Tea Gathering

At Exporttag2024, Austria’s largest trade promotion event hosted by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO), we held a tea ceremony workshop. Welcomed by the scorching sun and sincere curiosity, we served ice-prepared matcha to the Viennese eagerly awaiting summer, which was a great success.

The tea room, named “Heterotopia (Beyond Dualism),” was designed by students from the Vienna University of Technology, offering a modern interpretation of Sen no Rikyu’s tea room, the national treasure Tai-an. In the summer of 2023, a tea gathering by Sojin Hoshina was held in this tea room, which was specially set up in Schönbrunn Palace. The messages of the tea ceremony, such as the samurai removing their swords before entering the tea room and everyone being equal in the tea room, seemed to resonate in today’s world where conflicts never cease.

The Austrian business community is seeking new inspiration from Japanese culture in anticipation of the 2025 Osaka Expo. Over 120 participants attended the Deep Dive Tea Gathering, showcasing a DNA of mutual understanding and multicultural coexistence. Ambassador Mizuuchi and Minister Otaka from the Japanese Embassy, as well as Austria’s Minister of Environment and local television, paid attention. This business event, where startups also played an active role, evolved into a platform for cultural exchange between the two countries through the medium of tea ceremony.

This translation aims to maintain the original meaning and context of the Japanese text.




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